Photo by Basile Rosselet
Œstetik (CH)
Modern Jazz
Line Up:
Basile Rosselet // Tenor Sax, Composition
Alvin Schwaar // Piano, Composition
Virgile Rosselet // Double Bass
Noé Franklé // Drums
"Coexistence” out on 13.03.2020.
Œstetik n. (from the Greek οἰσθησιs / œsthesis). An animal characterised by four distinct but inseparable limbs. It is distinguished by it's particularly developed acoustic abilities. Possessing a prehensile trunk, it is also equally noted for its multiple wings and strings, which it regularly rubs, taps, and hits to produce fascinating soundscapes. A clear correlation has been established between the prodigious sound it emits, and its perception thereof. While seemingly premeditated, this behaviour is often improvised. Very sensitive to the spaces in which it grows, it enjoys thunder, rain, and poetry. It is a consummate explorer - it is eager for new discoveries, and thus spends most of its time dreaming.
Photo by Basile Rosselet